Some of you may have heard of it and some of you may just have seen it. Well, I saw it last Friday. I must say that movie was pretty disturbing... considering the fact that I could relate to it. Not just I, but I'm sure many.
Practically, the way the movie was filmed was like the movie, Blair Witch Project. So, it looked like a home video and not really a movie. The story is practically about a couple who are living together and experiences some kind of intruder in their home, especially when they're asleep. It's not really about monsters or ghosts, but more like demonic or spiritual disturbances.
After watching that movie with some friends, that night... or even the next couple of nights, I had trouble sleeping. I prayed and prayed and slept in a fetal position. I wasn't scared OF the movie but my own personal experiences. I've had something occur to me that were very similar to theirs, but not at that level though... then I'd probably go crazy.
During my disturbances, I would have these so called "Sleep Paralysis". It is when the brain awakes during REM state, but the body paralysis persists. Which leaves you fully conscious but unable to move... sometimes it can last for a few seconds or even minutes. Some even had terrifying hallucinations or feel some sense of danger. Scientists were never able to clarify the real reason to why it happens, but people believe that it is a demonic visitation... and I am one of those who believe that.
One moment in my life, it happened for a whole week. While I'm asleep... I suddenly would wake up but couldn't move. I would try to open my eyes but won't be able to... then I'd feel someone is on top of me with its hands around my neck. How do I know this? I can feel the weight on me, especially on my ankles and my wrists. Sometimes, I even catch myself gasping for air uncontrollably as if I'm being suffocated. I would wake up in an "X" position just how I felt during my paralysis. One time, I was actually able to open my eyes and saw a white fog hovering me. A slight figure but it was very unclear. Another time, I felt like someone dragged my from one side of my bed to the other... which felt really real because I always sleep by the wall.. and woke up at the edge of my bed. There was one point I also felt possessed... I can't even explain it, but that was just ONCE.. and it never happened again.
So, I spoke to Pastor about it.
He asked when it was happening and came to a conclusion that all these disturbances started happening when I was heading towards the light, Jesus Christ. This was the beginning of 2008 or end of 2007... around that area. That was the time when I started going to Church and started to participate and be involved. Pastor told me... if it happens again, just say "In the name of Jesus Christ, be gone!".
Okay, so honestly, I thought this was not going to work and sounded a bit ridiculous but you know what.. IT DID happen again and the first thing I thought of was what Pastor told me to say. No joke, this felt like a battle! When I was about to say His name.. I couldn't do it. I stuttered, it wouldn't come out of my mouth! Then I finally was able to say "In the name of, In the name of JESU---" and it disappeared... and believe or not, it NEVER came back.
Isn't that crazy? How POWERFUL is His name? I didn't even get to finish saying it and it disappeared!
The reason? I think it's because Satan was losing me so he had to bother me. Relating to my old post in "Suffering as a Christian" (2nd post of this blog), there should be a couple of paragraphs explaining.
From the bible, in Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit (Mark 1:21-28), when Jesus casts out the demon from the man, people were astonished. "The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, 'What is this? A new teaching and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him" (Mark 1:27). The demon couldn't even fight to stay in the man, but immediately leaves the body without hesitation. You can also look into Jesus Heals a Boy with an Evil Spirit (Mark 9:14-29), where Jesus also gets rid of the demon that was in the boy and even gets the boy back to his feet. After Jesus commanded the evil spirit to leave, his disciples asked Him to why they weren't they able to drive it out. Jesus responded, "Only prayer can drive this kind out, nothing else can" (Mark 9:29).
BAM! Only He can get rid of it without a fight.
With this verse that I found...
"You are the King and my God,
who decrees victories for Jacob.
Through You we push back our enemies;
through Your name we trample our foes.
I do not trust in my bow,
my sword does not bring me victory;
but You give us victory over our enemies,
You put our adversaries to shame.
In God we make our boast all day long,
and we will praise your name forever."
(Psalm 44:4-8).
Seriously though, you shouldn't be afraid when you start experiencing these things. As long as God is in you, they won't be able to touch you. These demons feed off from negative energy and that's how they get close to you, so don't show any fear or do not even be afraid. Just pray EVERY NIGHT before you go to sleep, reassure yourself and KNOW that God got your back! and you won't have any disturbances while you sleep. After watching Paranormal Activity, I started to pray every night and I just keep saying His name because I know I am under His protection.
These things didn't only happen to me, but even a couple of my friends who had these experiences got rid of it by saying His name. I know it sounds crazy, but it's SO TRUE.
His name is truly victorious.