Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It is HIS to avenge; He will repay.

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay' says the Lord."
(Romans 12:9-19)

So it says, if anyone ever does you wrong, do not try and get them back... that is repaying evil for evil, which equals to revenge. Regardless of how evil and wrong that is done to you, try to live at peace with everyone, do what you know is right, and that is not to take action. Instead, live peace with everyone. God doesn't want you to hate or to sin against another. Just listen to Him and love one another... It says here, "leave room for God's wrath", so leave the rest up to God, He will take care of it.

When I read this... I thought of my mom.

I have a huge family history, many unpleasant things happened, but I learned to accept it. I was thinking of how my mother dealt with the situation. Practically, my mom thirsted for revenge and felt that the only thing that can satisfy her was to somehow make my father suffer. Obviously, my dad did do something really stupid that caused all the commotion, which lead to this. Let me explain to you how my mother is... I love her to death, she's my mom, but there are times where she does some really crazy, off the top, things to others. As if, she takes pleasure from it... which I don't really understand. Once you get to her bad side, it's over. Anyway, when bad things happen to her, she keeps saying "what goes around, comes around"... so she believes in karma, I mean, okay sure, but she MAKES karma happen. Like I said, by avenging herself and bothering or trying to hurt the ones who has done her wrong will be her "karma" for them. I wish she read this before she did anything, but I guess her wrath took over. I kind of don't understand also, because she keeps saying that she'll leave it up to God for what happened in our family, but she's still the one trying to get back at my dad. She's done some really messed up things to get him back... and look now, the tables turned. I mean, my dad got a taste of his wrong doings. He suffered through her, but what my mom was also doing were really... just unacceptable as well, especially involving the kids. She wasn't being mature of the situation and just continued what satisfied and pleasured her. Because of that, she also had to suffer... when all she could've done was move on and let "karma" do its thing. God would've taken care of everything for her and she wouldn't have to go through all this.

I want to just read this verse to my mom, repetitively.

Whenever someone does something wrong to you, you obviously want to get them back too. Let them taste their own medicine, ya know? I mean, I've tried that before and I'm sure you guys have also... but don't you feel crappy after? After you successfully get them back? I know, I do. that's why I've learned to just not do anything at all. As much as I wanna punch, deck, kick 'em in the face, I'm not going to do it, because I never wanna stoop down to their level. There are times where I regret not getting them back or doing something about it, but if I did... I know I'd regret far more that not avenging. I believed in karma before too... I let it happen on its own, but after reading this verse, now I will leave it up to God, He will take care of it.

So you should too! It is HIS to avenge, He will repay. Follow His word and just love your enemy, regardless of what is done towards you.

This is the perfect solution...
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
(Romans 12:21)


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